Saturday, March 9, 2013


THE FUTURE. It's what Marty says when he arrives in 2015, and we are only a few short years away folks! I remember watching this movie as a kid and thinking that 2015 would be VERY futuristic with flying cars and hover boards but now that we are pretty much there right now, how close are we to what was depicted in Back To The Future part 2? Here is a check list of what we do have and what we do not have yet.

Self pumping gas stations..................................NO.

Classic movies redone in 3D.............................YES.

Hover conversions for cars................................NO.

Hover boards......................................................NO.

Projected billboards...........................................NO.

Sports almanacs from the last 50 years.............YES.

Dust busters considered antiques......................YES.

Apple II E's computers considered antiques.....YES.

Arcade games referred to as "baby toys"..........YES.

Self fitting clothes..............................................NO.

Self drying clothes.............................................NO.

Clothes that talk to you......................................NO.

The exact Nike shoes Marty wears...................YES.

Cars that run on garbage....................................NO.

Bar code license plates.......................................NO.

Giant flat screen TVs that hang on the wall......YES.

Dehydrated food.................................................NO.

Black and Decker Hydrators...............................NO.

Hanging home fruit centers................................NO.

Cell phones we wear on our face........................NO.

Face to face on screen phone calls.....................YES.

Style of wearing two neck ties............................NO.

Still having AT&T.............................................YES.

Personal credit card swiping machine................YES.

Personal faxing machines...................................YES.

Houses that greet you..........................................NO.

Thumb print as keys...........................................YES.

Where you're going needing roads.....................YES.

OK, so this list tells us a few things. One, I'm really feeling old. Two, we need to get a move on to catch up with some of this future stuff, we have 2 more years to go. Three, the movie never depicted a computer or texting BUT it did have glasses that you wear as a phone which could be the next big thing for Iphone or Droid to do.

Oh, and for those of you that think me saying yes to having the Marty's 2015 Nike shoes was a mistake, check out the website, Nike actually made them in 2011. My hope is that they make them in 2015 because I've been wanting a pair since I saw the movie back in the 80's. 

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