Saturday, February 23, 2013


Ever since the first time I saw an Oscar fish I wanted one. This is the first albino one that I've had, and as you can see, he was grown quite a bit since I got him! That is the same rock, he was tyring to swim through it the other day but doesn't realize how much bigger he is now. These pictures are one year and a month apart. This shows you how fast and how big they can get in a short period of time.

Oscars get very big and most people would agree that you shouldn't start in anything less than a 50 gallon tank for a single Oscar. 75 gallons is pretty standard and is what I'll be moving up to very soon because my Oscar is huge, as you can see. They are extremely friendly fishes, they know their owners, and if you've ever come over to my place then you have watched as this guy as hidden from you, he doesn't like new people he doesn't know but when he can see me he gets very excited. Oscars LOVE to eat, they live for it, a lid is necessary because they will jump out of the water. (another favorite past-time of the Oscar) This is actually how my last Oscar died, he jumped out of a lidless tank, stupidity on my part for not having a lid.

Oscars will follow your finger and swim right up to the glass to say hello when you come into the room. My Oscar likes when I'm playing my bass guitar because he can see me and when you make eye contact he gets excited because he thinks he's going to get fed...which is usually true. Oscars eat other fish BUT there are many types of pellet fish food that Oscar and other predator fish can eat. I have a special brand that enhances colors, hence all the yellowish colors in him. Goldfish in the form of feeder fish are the choice of most Oscar owners, even though goldfish are not the best choice. Mine hasn't had any feeder fish in his life yet but once I put in a cricket and he quickly grabbed it, instantly spitting it back out, sinking to the bottom, and cowering in fear. I guess he wasn't expecting it and didn't like it? That experience has made me hesitate from feeder fish and since he loves his pellets, I see no reason to switch now.

Oscars, although willing to eat anything that can fit into their mouths, can be housed with other fish, AS LONG AS THEY ARE THE SAME SIZE. This is very important because once an Oscar thinks he can eat his buddy, he will. Currently I have a bristle nose Pleco in with my Oscar, they are bottom feeders and he helps keep the tank clean but even though these fish also get huge, they do not grow very fast and I'm starting to worry.

I love this little guy, and he has a face only a mother could love. I still need a name for him though.
Oscar fishes are great, I really think they are one of the best fishes to own. They are smart, love to interact with their owners, and at times appear to be comical. I would suggest one for anyone but understand they take up a lot of space! Oscars are great fish to own, but that's just my two cents.

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